How Do You Make a Post on Facebook Show on Friends Timeline Again

How to Take Control of Your Facebook Newsfeed – NOW!

What's in your Facebook newsfeed?

Bunch o' junk you don't care to see?

Do you lot miss seeing posts from friends, and the Facebook Pages you admire?

Accept command Now! Here'due south how.

Nosotros'll run through some newsfeed basics, then delve into how you tin encounter what YOU desire to see!

What shows up on Facebook newsfeed?

News Feed is the constantly updating list of stories in the middle of your home page.

It includes status updates, photos, videos, links, app activity and likes from people, Pages and groups that you follow on Facebook.

Posts that you see in your Facebook News Feed are meant to keep you lot connected to the people, places and things that you lot intendance about, starting with your friends and family.

Adam Mosseri, "Head of News Feed," will clue you in on how FB determines what to show you:

Facebook shows y'all what they decide to show you

Here's the bargain. When the average Facebook user logs on, there are potentially thousands of posts from their friends and "liked" business organisation Pages that could be shown to them.

In 2013, Facebook said the boilerplate was i,500 stories, and in 2014, they said it could exist up to 15,000. Who knows how many past now!!

For many years, Facebook has Non been showing y'all ALL those posts. In fact, there's no fashion you lot could observe them all, even if you lot spent all day and tried actually hard 🙂

The FB feed is NOT a waterfall feed, like Twitter, where the almost recent posts are shown at the peak, and all posts from everyone you follow are shown in chronological order. Nope.

Facebook uses a mysterious Ranking algorithm (formerly chosen Edgerank) to determine which posts you get to run across.

The Facebook news feed algorithm attempts to figure out which posts you most want to see.

Posts that you lot run into start are influenced by your connections and activeness on Facebook. The number of comments, likes and reactions a postal service receives and what kind of story information technology is (case: photo, video, condition update) tin can too make it more likely to appear to a higher place in your News Feed.

Posts that yous might see first include:

  • A friend or family member commenting on or liking another friend'southward photo or status update.
  • A person reacting to a postal service from a publisher that a friend has shared.
  • Multiple people replying to each other'south comments on a video they watched or an commodity they read in News Feed.

Keep in heed that if yous feel you're missing posts yous'd similar to run into, or seeing posts in your News Feed that you don't desire to come across, you tin adapt your settings.

If there'due south a friend or Page whose posts you desire in your newsfeed, be sure to to interact with the posts that you do see.

If y'all're not seeing any, go to their page and leave likes and comments on a few recent posts.

If you want to come across their posts,never hide their posts.

P.Southward. Please don't e'er hide Fan Folio posts – if you lot don't like what they post, information technology's better for the business if you "unlike" or unfollow the Page.

It's an algorithm thing 😉

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How can I fix my Facebook News Feed?

We will first comprehend how to see the most recent posts, then go into fine-tuning exactly what you do and don't want to see!

How to meet the most recent posts on Facebook

The Facebook News Feed default is to show you the "Summit Stories." That means you're going to see the posts that take a lot of comments and likes, not what was posted nigh recently.

Even worse, the more comments and likes they go along to get, the more likely you'll see the same stories again at the top of your Facebook news feed.

But yous can easily change this priority to "Near Recent." On desktop, just go to the habitation page (newsfeed) and click "See more than" in the left sidebar.

click the see more button in the facebook news feed left sidebar.

Then gyre down, down, down until you see "Well-nigh Recent."

click the most recent button to the left of the fb news feed.

Click this and your News Feed will instantly change to the most recent post instead of the well-nigh pop post. You tin see in the showtime screenshot, the superlative post was posted 12 hours ago, and in the second screenshot, it was posted "Merely at present."

How to see the most recent posts on Facebook mobile

This is equally easy to set up on mobile. Notation that you have to redo this every time you open the app!

From the Facebook news feed or your profile, tap the hamburger menu in the bottom right corner.

Nether All shortcuts, scroll downwards until you see Recent and favorites. You lot may need to tap See more than for it to evidence.

how to see most recent posts on FB mobile.

Simply tap information technology and you'll be taken the Contempo feed. From here you lot tin can too choose to view the Favorites feed.

Facebook recent news feed on mobile.

How to come across more friends' posts on Facebook

Y'all can gear up more than granular preferences to see more posts that you want to meet, and fewer of those you don't.

Here'due south how: "Favorite" up to 30 friends and Pages, unfollow others, and reconnect to ones you miss afterwards. Or y'all tin can "Snooze" them for a fourth dimension.

How to edit your News Feed preferences on desktop

1 | Click the little down arrow in the elevation right corner of any Facebook page.

2 | Choose Settings & Privacy.

access the facebook settings in the dropdown menu.

3 | Select News Feed Preferences.

Then Select News Feed Preferences.

How to edit Facebook News Feed preferences on mobile

1 | Tap the three lines "hamburger carte" in the bottom right corner.

tap the hamburger to access the settings on mobile.

2 | Scroll way down to Settings & Privacy.

3 | Tap to open it and choose Settings.

open settings and privacy and tap settings.

iv | Under Preferences, tap News Feed.

In the settings under Preferences, tap News Feed.

These preferences will popular upwards on both desktop and in the app: Favorite, Unfollow, Reconnect, and Snooze. From here, it works similarly on desktop and mobile. The screenshots below are from desktop.

fb news feed option are Favorite, Unfollow, Reconnect, and Snooze.

1 | Prioritize who to see outset in your Facebook feed

Get to the Favorites pick. When yous add friends and Pages to your Favorites on Facebook, their posts will be shown higher in your News Feed.

Choose whose posts yous want to run across showtime, from Facebook friends and "liked" Pages. Yous can click on the "ALL" push to choose whether to prioritize just friends or just Pages.

Select upward to thirty friends you want to see at the peak of your news feed! Your selections aren't ranked. For example, your first selection isn't seen first, your second selection isn't seen second.

In one case you've made your selections with the blueish star, click the arrow to go back to set other preferences, or the X if y'all're done. Your choices will be saved.

Alternatively, you can click the blue star to un-favorite someone. No worries, they won't know either style!

choose favorites to see first in your facebook news feed.

If you like, yous can choose to see But posts from your Favorites. They'll show newest first, instead of about popular.

  • Go to your News Feed.
  • Click Favorites in the left menu. You may need to click See More than to see this option. Now your feed shows Simply posts from your Favorites.
  • To see posts from everyone else again, click the house icon at the meridian of Facebook.

The "Favorites feed" resets to "all posts" every time y'all open Facebook.

access your favorites feed by clicking in the left sidebar.

For some reason, you can't Favorite groups.

ii | How to encounter all friends' posts

The fashion to see ALL friends' posts on Facebook is to Unfollow people, Pages, and groups y'all don't want to come across. Leaving only friends!

Click on the next department to choose what you desire to stop seeing. When you unfollow someone, you won't come across their posts in News Feed, simply yous'll still be "Facebook friends" with them.

Again you tin choose to see all kinds at in one case, or click the "ALL" button to unfollow FB accounts in one category:

  • Friends – but non necessarily the friends you lot desire to come across!
  • Pages – business organization or Fan Pages you "Liked."
  • Groups you're a member of.

Either fashion, you can go on scrolling until you've selected all the ones you lot desire to unfollow. Click the blue check to get in greyness.

The people, Pages, and groups won't be notified that yous've unfollowed their posts.

Click the arrow or the X and motility on.

click to unfollow facebook friends pages and groups.

Another option is to unfollow someone when you see a postal service of theirs in the feed.

  • Click the iii dots on the top right of their mail service.
  • Select Unfollow [Name].

Like shooting fish in a barrel peasy, one and done. Side by side!

three | Reconnect with people, Pages, and groups yous unfollowed.

If yous wish, you tin can utilise the next section to re-follow any accounts you previously unfollowed.

You might desire to take a minute here to determine if you even desire to exist connected to these accounts at all.

If y'all practice want to unfriend or different, you could right-click to open some other browser window and  be done with them once and for all. Totally up to you.

When you're done with this section, click the arrow or X.

click to reconnect with people, Pages, and groups you unfollowed.

How to temporarily unfollow a person, Page, or grouping

The Snooze section prevents you from seeing sure accounts' posts in your News Feed for thirty days. The profile, Page, or group won't know that they've been snoozed.

Snooze someone directly in the feed by clicking the 3 dots to the top right of their post. In the preferences, y'all can only Disengage the Snooze.

Snooze someone directly in the feed by clicking the 3 dots to the top right of their post.

How to Become Notifications when your friend posts

This used to be a thing, but seems to have been removed with New Facebook.

Previously: To go notified when a friend posts on Facebook, hover the "Friends" button and click on "Become Notifications."

It's no longer there.

Fourth dimension to take control!

Nosotros covered a lot:

  • How the news feed works on Facebook.
  • How to see Virtually Contempo posts instead of Superlative Stories.
  • How to see all friends' posts on Facebook.
  • How to unfollow and refollow people, Pages, and groups.

Coil back and review as needed.

Share this mail service with a friend if you found information technology useful!

Let u.s. know in a comment if you have any more tips.

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What's in your Facebook newsfeed? A jumble of junk? If you're missing posts from your fave friends and Facebook Pages, take control NOW! Click thru to blog for details.


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